Love poem

you ! indelible fruit
              that is still
most appetizing.

you ! memory’s so smooth                        
body wheeled through
the light-projector’s mouth.

you !  i am terrified by
the threat of excision’s
                      a rushing balloon.



once, in a cave,
water dripped
down our heads
like stalactite

on the way out,
a foot got caught—
remained part of
all we’d ever once
wanted to kno.

Permafrost (2.0)

rocks fell from the sky
& landed right
where we’d left
& home… don’t look!
lick the mountain of salt,
forget the Glittering City.                 

a cloudy lake retains
the shape of your unmade body.
fracture birthed a bug i loved
& called anti-fragility.

Permafrost (2.1)

a field plowed thru
remembers nothing
from before
the harrowing.


Carlota Gamboa is a poet and art writer from Los Angeles, CA. You can find her work in Oversound Poetry, Salt Hill Journal, Bodega Magazine, and Art & Object.