Geoffrey Detrani
Dirty Cleave
In dirty cleave
angel mused
in unmouthed apogee
in scavenged light
I lost a trapeze sun
a pediment, the distance of
captured retinue
to hit
to let
to shunt its ingot
of vulgar entropy
The nude came down the staircase
to cure the crease of day
a long range bomber
unmasking topography’s smut
right now the plague is not mandatory
but a bell is rung
and they’ve laid out the vagabond cloth
with its bumps and crenulations
its paper flowers and spoils of rent
resting like an engine of reconnaissance
in deaths self-regarding imperium
Geoffrey Detrani is a visual artist and writer. His artwork is in private, public and museum collections. He is the recipient of multiple artists grants and residencies. He is a two-time recipient of the State of Connecticut Artists Fellowship award. He was the recipient of a World Views residency award with a studio on the 91st floor of the former World Trade Center south tower in New York City. His poems have been included in Fence, Aufgabe, New Orleans Review, Black Warrior Review and Parthenon West Review among other publications. He works in New Haven.