perennial undoing, 

where what is  real is memorize
d and  what was memorized is
an erratic vacillation of force.

1st draft in the reconsideration of the apostles///////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////maybe one that will go unnoticed ////due to shame…..all of this….

a reflex to conserve a caliced iris,
with the foolish privacy of a dented carnage.

                                                                          under certain supressions lament behaves as an astringent,

assigned to the
 fragment of these repetitive acts.


                                    the canned feathers of a bird that beat it’s wing against the pavement.
                                 the scales that fell  from the fish  while it beat  its body dead against the glass.
                                                the warmth of a carrion beetle when one death beats at another's freedom.

i tell you i am bored of endurance, but the reality is i have always gotten agitated in the presence of that which creates me.


the boiling point of a
a premature severing.

suggested lacerations.


thing is,
i was
surrendered  to a structural penance.

thing is,
i was projected into a pace
glorified by  obstructive yearnings.

thing is,
i had made ornamental the
inability to isolate violence.


an-nafs al-luwwāmah.

the spawn of a plum pit.
a diagnostic dialect from the ejection of a sequence.
we sleep together under cherubs  spoiled milk.

an-nafs al-luwwāmah.

bruised from rosaries,
in the incineration of entropy.

suppressed gestation,
that resonates with smut.

an-nafs al-luwwāmah.

curators of patience and crossgenerational ruptures,

in the tense of confabulated ontologies.


an offer of parodies of the will .
an offer of petulant cacophonies.
an offer of dear John letters that rose to the top a flood.
an offer of plasma from the  pigeonholed i.
an offer of the snap of their beaks from the wallowing after the overture is generalized.
an offer of an inverted sentimentality hung to dry from the dark circles.
an offer of apathy's pigment chipped away from longing.


 torments of grace,
managing the contour.

                                RECOMPENSATED RESIDUALS,
                                PAROXYSM OF RESIDUE.

                                legs dangling off the ledge
                                suckling a penny,                                                         plucked conduits for residual injury.

                  demands of remission.

                  yearning is a deficit.


                  punctuated fibers                                                                                             affirmative burdens,

                                                                                                        sifted through invasive yellow murk,
submissions of might,                                                                                      echoed bait.

                                                                        to roam  in the instant of the order.

                                            calibrated substratum.

fugitive of  residual abrasions,
                                           cotton lining the iris.

tend to me.

extend to me.
the burden that fear is to yearning,
it´s degradation (once noticed).


                                                                                                                                                                    as i


ENGAGE ONTO                                 ME                
THE                                                                                                             ENDURANCE

                                    OF                                                                                       AN OVERSITE

                                                                Figments of a  diagnostic dialect
                                                                plucked from sequential ejections
                                                                and inflated introjections.

              thru                                         prognostic                             predilections ,
thru the lucid sorrow of the  dew milked from the  oblivion of a  negligence, 
thru the muck of  entropy’s remains,
thru those cowering from mockeries of grace,
thru secreted variations of a contortion of care.

                                      what is mine: the  boiling point of a 
                                      a premature severing.

implied lacerations…..


             …..the truth lasts so long…..
i attempted to get rid of it every possible way.
what happened has demands.
you push me through the constant returns.


snippet of complicit exposures….dictated to be an impostor of the body…..impostor of this body…..the altercation of the circumstance names each one of us in the incident report……vacuum of errors…and like that! justified!.....i got all of this from a hypnagogic chirp….a light gleam of clarity in paralysis…..tried to tell you in the letters but i scribbled and scribbled threw it all away…i got nothing to say to you because i got too much to tell you….no no……all of them cut up and considered ….all of them a traced at the overlap…. fondness for these hiccups of memorabilia….

….and then….

keep still right there!
i got to adjust the light!
