In the secret century blood was said
to be spilled metaphor
Sometimes it was drained into an enjambment
distributing and returning experience
at its border zones
sometimes a flap of wings
where your head is
under trees
Exactly distributed the articulation of desire is a moment
It’s as modern as irreconcilability
or a return to the convertible
the typographic bend at which
anticipation and recollection
refuse to manifest anything
and surge on hollow
and its “long ago”
There are stranger dints
in the heraldic
immobility of things
They bleed plane straw
As syllable this function would flower a note otherwise indestructible
Everything that’s living in the bump of air sings
Phot bend
Fielded even
In turn
Some conformity of language experienced in its relativity as absolute
which would cover the distance from one point to another
without solving it
The air worn out by our gestures
See these
that she wears on the back of the earth?
They do it to themselves
They’re open margins
Who would answer the following
What is the most appropriate to the human bell?
White lake
con if
main dure
Rough houses crop up in acreages
Those we say are not our humanisms
On which hollowness goes to work by not working itself through
Petal backward
The tow
What emits of an echo
its congenital opacity
A rain followed by a circumflex
I am glued to this ease
“with which”
Austerity becomes quality
all by itself
Fine volve sonance
Side sist li
and eff
What meant
What paved
The motes you saw were knuckles
This is how music works too
The scurry under the nails
our residual
green shell
would ease
into clear fold
if we could hear it
The cream under the carpet
and in our ears
small moving hairs
The secret of our century is song
has become a double gallows
the reflection of a building
in its burning
The path of the paragraph
the “ea” in the sea in the breast
Occupations “occupation” precludes
Still pretty country
Pretty colon
sickle shaped
para areas
where we meet as analogies
How have you possibly been?
from the sphere
and represents its overturning
As a theory of sheafs stirs for the decreased leaf
from where you sit
a sac of course
the third messenger
1/3 away
as an embossment
the bare ones
on an arc without a tangent
On pain of
the fact in ever increasing variance with the state
“with” leaves
But a night hears other sounds
The prepositions never lacking
because never yet imagined
Blank Dorothy wood
Shine like the moon
the water wanes
with leaves
You can destroy propriety this way
Don’t cry
Being “ring”
as a preposition
just touches the middle of color
We were inveigled into a shared memory
which was exhausted in its fallout
for hermetic purposes
Verbal “there”
Feel the chair
What everything around you pulls toward its perceptive marrow
What forgot
Only the page is an end of nothing on top of another nothing
The lowing in the animals in the gorge in its lace
of green
called be
The transparency of nerve and the transparency of curve
A skein a clear parity of “just touches”
A speech act that represents a vowel
as that which exists prior to the world
and ignites the hairy comets
You will remember the teeth
Every farewell has teeth
The whole is a deep green gnawed 50%
All our love in spite
thanks to
noun sec’s
care moss
con Alagon
stratus and
the secret police in the sun
It’s time to forget your hand
the pile of strings
the letter from the foundation
the plastic home
“go inside a money
that would be my way”
There’s a stain unbeneath inert that the air trembles
One seems to the other
To will
my my gorse
or furze
So so
a low lovat
“I need to renew my chasms” is what you say
when you’re playing for keeps
After the lam of evenings after the conjunction in “credit or belief”
This obligation persists like headlights in a field far off
It gets so that you forget to dream you die of shoulders
In the last century contemplation alone could reveal a true evening
the lowercase letter that has no discernible significance
the clock or sound of it that never indicated conjuncture
whence arose the emanation or flight of the real
its becoming marked by two poles
flash and fold
My bolt inheritance
My bombing sedimentary hemisphere
The inflorescence or tassel also known as arrow
each couple thousand flowers consist in
malignant infinite sanction
Green inadvertency
“If only this could be bodied forth as music” I thought as I lost 300 pounds
just by having some Poinciana on in the background
Viaje magueys
And the dice
“The very fabric” commences
solar barges
simulacrums of anybody’s evening
peaceable namely
wanting to know if the dimensions can be reformulated
is a way of asking for a little extra future
wanting to know to what lengths
is a mesh sedge
This is for you
for whom exile felt like vacation
because of the music that played
You thought it would be enough for us to have a quick shower in the arch iris
We could dry ourselves off with some stratus
So as not to
Get back to the skin
The tonnage of faces
in that beloved beneath
that maybe emancipated
The meaningful wear
of cover of cower
That evening headlights descended from the trees
That evening in the prefab din
the orphan of articulation
was reduced to the future
That evening nouns became the adjectives of being offered
became legal
became tender
That evening wind settled in a singular poplar
That evening levelled with me
You can stand against perspective like it’s the wind
You can be the tree in its shirt at the gates of every evening
Whatever you decide
I will drink from your source only
You will be my only falsehood
Maxwell Gontarek has poems out in Lana Turner, Coma, αntiphony, La Lancha, Volt, Tagvverk, and elsewhere. Co-translations with Léa Fougerolle into/from French can be found in verseant. His chapbook, H Is the Letter of the Door, is forthcoming from above/ground press and his pamphlet, A Perfect Donkey, is forthcoming from Creative Writing Department. He has lived in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Belgrade, Langres, and Lafayette, Louisiana.