In the interest of time
the unseen hands
rubbing together
I step over myself
in a dream made of leaves
the weather soft rain
putting its fall on edges
city lights organized in the distance
& the kettle heavy like a wall
Yesterday they found more stone age lovers
holding in a cave buried
ancient spooning death
naked the past tense
because I felt like talking to you
skeleton love sudden response
sheets of promise between petals
dusts us in the kitchen
the vat gathering
floor of text
cat hair tree bark spilled wine
you w the mold & deckle splash!
& all the pulp the towels under our knees
I love you
sorry to have not listened sooner
dripping down the sides
so many things wrong in the world
but we were already near the end
the flecked paper the frayed paper
asleep putting their insides down
as they seem to have
A dream (the ink smudges)
inside the apartment
The rain stops among the roofs
some long process
one of many possibilities
under the sky
sewn to a spine
they were before this reeds
where reeds grow & grew back
how they grow now
the declining air
the killing raids the closing world
our breath prepares once more
to increase
the bones deepen under their weight
the shaking pages
Nathan Shipley is a poet and artist in San Luis Obispo, CA. He works at Insert Press and also runs SUDS, an audiozine. His poems have appeared recently in Recenter Press Journal.