plum wrung + stealing time

crawling in my high regard

curled in the curve of the slab

head on the lip

you millipede you vulture

i try for you

i scrape and callous

open and quiet

gone and forever

of course i do

you boy you rain curtain

something on the organs, part blooming

wedge rattler, rose menace

mail jail and the portrait of nothing getting through

overture and the garden of full animal

what’s my fossil raisin flooding

what sits on the rock part blooming


this fog juice tennis

something on the way to my thoughts to you

strung of note and tossed

pursuits of room

not in broad kitchen light

my anechoic sweetness

could i say this out loud

the angle, the excess

of warm authority

to understructure. worldless

i played dumb against the spiral

the apparatus that jams it, not for me

moves in vision’s whispers


Pauling Thorow is a legal worker, sound recordist, shy mess. They studied trans political theory at the CUNY Grad Center and now live in Montana for no reason.