discouraged by a journey
to the center of the void
i pick up another apple
micro touch-ups, airmail paper
a cutout, stones from
a drawing tablet and decorate
a carriage with it, not to be
returned again, the empty trip
not calculated and the cleanroom
suit decked to the boundary of pain
health effect stand-by
not dark, not light
different, for sure waved
through as a remote-controlled
afterimage event, relaxation
clouding in the towelrackless
swamp, and some sex as a pity
and last key competence
hotellobbymoon, hot
shocked by the cali-
brated cocktail, con-
tracted pupils
antagonists in color
vision lesions as re-
duced set spots
to whom do the utensils belong
on the vanity, in the here
and now light
sensitive vomiting
rabbiteyes and
a spat-on fur
glossy paper as a shutterrelease
everything in mud, if one does not
like pastel, and chalked
up in debt, if one cannot
be present, shading or
the night, what remains
a totally smoky shirt
a canceled phone contract
last exit glance, invisibly
blocked swell
knitting needles
to cast-off? how do you
picture that, the
loop unravels itself
and stop always
fuzzing me, I
will be right there
must we first get
into each other’s wool
this was brand new
my thread is about to
tear , what are you
dreaming up
i wanted to wear
it as a cuff
did you hear that too?
that was my stomach
Sabine Scho, born in 1970 in Ochtrup, has lived in Münster, Hamburg, and São Paulo, and now divides her time between Berlin and Rome. She has published three books, Album, Farben (Colors), and Tiere in Architektur (Animals in Architecture), and the art magazine The Origin of Senses with Andreas Töpfer. She has received several prizes for her work, most recently the German Prize for Nature Writing and the Rome Prize of the German Academy Rome Villa Massimo. Her recent publications include collaborations with Sebastian Ernst and Golden Diskó Ship, Haus für einen Boxer (House for a Boxer), and with Matthias Holtmann, Farbfolge Spreepark (Color Sequence Spree Park) and The Origin of Values.
Rebecca Weingart is a poet and translator. Her translations have appeared in Pakn Treger, Hopkins Review, and Harvard Review, and have received support from the Yiddish Book Center and the American Literary Translators Association. She holds an MFA in creative writing and is currently a PhD student in comparative literature at Washington University in St. Louis.